May 1, 2017

Eva Duplan Illustrations has Moved!

Hello readers!

I know I've been gone for a long time here on Blogger, things had slowed down and life happened - but that doesn't mean I've stopped drawing! Those of you who follow my Facebook and Instagram know this to be true. 

I hope to pick back up with my blog - but this time, I won't be in Houston anymore. 

Eva Duplan Illustrations has moved to Austin, TX! I'm exceedingly excited to get to know the fashion scene here and to explore the opportunities that come my way as a Fashion Illustrator. 

Things that have happened recently:

I was accepted as a member of the Artist collective Girls Drawin' Girls! I'm so excited to be a part of this group of amazing women artists! Check out their page, their blog, and their social media - there are so many amazing artists for you to meet!

I've started a few personal projects!

One features a rainbow of colors featuring different types of flowers, and a variety of pinup girls. 

The other project is a series that will be done over the course of the year. One illustration a month that features a fashion style from history, and the gemstone representing the month.

 As always, you can check out my website and my social media for other updates.

Thank you, everyone, for your support and your encouragement!

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