December 1, 2017

The Butterfly Effect Tarot Deck


I'm here to promote my new Kickstarter, now fully launched and live! 

Eva Duplan Illustrations proudly presents:

The Butterfly Effect Tarot Deck is a full 78 card deck about femininity in a variety of forms. It's about being comfortable in your skin, about being able to be whoever you want to be. This deck is an expression of what's most important to me - to showcase women as they are, no matter the shape, size, or color. It is my hope that through the mysticism of the Tarot, this deck will cause a literal butterfly effect - one that will resonate positivity, love, and hope to women everywhere.  

This deck explores Tarot through the lens of Body Positivity. Using both modern and traditional elements, I illustrated each of the Major Arcana and the Court cards with the intent of showcasing diversity and empowerment. Even the negative and masculine cards are drawn with this in mind to the best of my abilities. The use of the butterfly wings acts as a beacon of hope, of joy, of the soul - it's and excellent symbol for a tool as mystical as the Tarot.
By simplifying the deck into the core meanings, I hope that this will be a great addition to anyone’s collection, and I hope that people find meaning through these cards in their readings.

I am super excited about this deck, and I hope that you will all join me in pledging, supporting, and sharing this deck. It's been an amazing journey creating these illustrations, and I hope that I can provide a unique, beautiful experience for everyone.

Thank you so much!!

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