June 7, 2012

First Post: Meet Eva Duplan - where it all started

Hello, everyone! My name is Eva Wilson, now Eva Duplan, and I am a graduate of Northwestern State University of Louisiana with a BFA in Studio Art. I've lived in a lot of places, Dallas recently was home but now I've moved to Houston. I am a grad student at the Academy of Art University working on my MFA in Illustration, specifically in Advertising Illustration. The illustrations you see in the post are ones from my Senior year of my undergrad studies, a glimpse at where I started.

I have always enjoyed drawing and sketching clothes, and have always enjoyed Fashion deeply. When I discovered that there was an industry for Fashion Sketching and Illustration, I was hooked. Now, I'm working harder than ever to follow my dream. One way was getting in contact with a lady named Cynthia Padilla, whom I was able to intern with during the summer of 2012, right after I graduated.

During my internship, I helped out young women at the SMU Summer Youth Program. Ms. Padilla is a wonderful lady who is always there to help, teach, and guide. I hope that every girl who left this program will learn to love drawing, art, and fashion even more, knowing that they have a place in the industry as long as they follow their dreams and their hearts.

While there, I did some sketching of my own. The girls had been learning about using a Croquis, or a rough sketch. Templates for clothes are very important for fashion sketching, and I've been learning just how useful they can be:

I had a fantastic time during my internship, and I've had lots of other opportunities come my way since then! I moved to Dallas, I got married, I've even gotten in contact with an awesome gallery! It's been an amazing journey, one I hope to share with the rest of you! 

My only advice is this: 
Be true to yourself and you will always look amazing, no matter what size you are!

If you would like a commission, or simply want to see more of my Fashion Illustrations, you can find them at my website here:

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