The past month or so have been really interesting. And pretty stressful, too! School's started up and I've been in contact with several people who are interested in what I've been doing. It's pretty much what I've always wanted- doing what I love for a living. Almost.
Painting at events has been a great way to get some exposure, and slowly but surely my brand and my artwork have been gaining grounds. I'm so appreciative to those who support me and encourage me. It's because of them that I still manage to keep going -despite the risk of burning out.
Even so, Life takes it's toll when you're juggling multiple things at once. I want to make commissions so that I can make money so I can get supplies to make artwork to add to my portfolio, and then get more clients who want commissions. But then I have schoolwork to do to further my technique and talents so that I preform better with my illustrations.
It seems to be a never ending cycle of learning, outputting, and maybe sometimes I'll get paid for the work I do. And a lot of worry if what you're doing is really making people happy. A lot of worrying.
So far it's hardly a full-time paying career, but it's still sustaining somewhat of the lifestyle I want to maintain. And eventually it might be enough to start paying off my student debt. Being an artist isn't easy, especially when you're constantly trying to keep yourself up to date, fresh with ideas, and maintaining a level of quality.
It's easy to procrastinate, easy to forget to be social, easy to lay off on housework when things get difficult. And I'll admit to all of those when I'm under a lot of pressure. But we're only human, right?
There are so many standards to uphold in doing a creative career. Constantly having to prove yourself, constantly havin to prove that your work is worth peoples time and money. We push on and hope for the next client, the next job, and hope that they like what they recieve.
But these are just my musings. Worries can be a cancer, so I have to let them go for fear they would overtake me. I have to keep looking forward.
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